FG set to work out modalities of ranches with states 

To further forestall incidences of invasion and threatening of  farmlands  by some herdsmen and cattle rustlers, Federal Government would in no distance time in collaboration with state government  work out modalities of creating ranches in states across the Federation.

Nigeria has been witnessing incessant invasion of farmlands by cattle rustlers with incidences of some herds men trespassing farmlands and even venturing into kidnapping.

In a bid to address the issue of herdsmen, the supervisory agricultural ministry has set out modalities of creating ranches while collaborating with states to manage the recurring incidences of cattle rustlers’ invasion of farmlands.

“The modalities of ranches will have to be worked out with the states. Details will be out then. One thing, however, is that the new initiative will place the business within the private sector domain and the various activities will be private sector lead,” said Kayode Oyeleye, special assistance to the minister of Agriculture.

“States are expected to be implementer while the Federal Government drives the initiative,” he adds.

Oyeleye says that states differ in many different ways: in landmass, in agro-ecology and in the systems that will be employed. These will influence the sizes of lands and the locations.

He reckons also with the fact that the number of animals within particular states will vary. Wet seasons also will determine the level of use of irrigation. For instance, the semi-arid to arid northern states will require more of irrigation as part of the measures to grow grass, while the forest zone and non-arid savannah might need little of irrigation.

Recall, some representatives of the invaded communities in Benue state has recently voiced out their concerns to the Federal Government demanding immediate action and restoration in their communities.

Specifically, elders from Benue state have urged President Muhammadu Buhari to declare Fulani herdsmen invasion of the state and gruesome massacre of the people by the armed herders as an act of insurgency and the perpetrators labelled as terrorists to be routed out by the military.

“We observed that these invading Fulani Herdsmen have been allowed to bear sophisticated assault weapons unchallenged which is against all our extant laws. The perpetrators and sponsors of such heinous crimes against humanity must be brought to justice,” elders in various communities in Benue state said.

The elders noted that the meeting became necessary following the armed invasion and occupation of their land by Fulani herdsmen and the wanton killing of their people, destruction of homes and farmlands, raping of their wives and daughters in 15 local government areas out of 23 namely, Agatu, Gwer East, Gwer West, Makurdi, Guma, Tarka, Buruku, Katsina Ala, Logo, Ukum, Kwande, Oju, Obi and Konshisha’.

Harrison Edeh
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