High Growth Africa Summit: win a FREE ticket

Starta Partners With Ingressive to Host Second Edition of High Growth Africa Summit This November

Lagos, Nigeria. October 19, 2017 — The High Growth Africa Summit, is a 2-day conference on how to build, scale and fund high growth businesses in Africa. Hosted by  Ingressive and  Starta , it is scheduled to hold on November 21-22, 2017.


The first edition of the Summit held last year November and was a culmination of the 2016 tech tour, which featured leading players in the global tech ecosystem including Monique Woodard, Venture Partner at 500 Startups; James Lyle, Founder of Fulmar Advisor; Yvonne Wassenaar, CIO of New Relic (NYSE: NEWR); as well as executives from GitHub and Google.


@EduQuddus a Twitter user who attend the last summit said “It was a great event for networking. A series of informative debates by an unbelievable array of big guns from the corporate world”


In a significant increase from the 250 pan-African entrepreneurs and 100 global investors attendees, this year’s summit will be hosting 750+ delegates. Some of the confirmed speakers at this year’s summit include Chris Schultz, Founder at LaunchPad, Akin Oyebode, of the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF), Fela Durotoye of Gemstone Group, Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, Founder at Flutterwave, amongst many others.


Speaking on the scholarship for startup founders, Dotun Olowoporoku, Managing Partner at Starta said “We want to do more for startups, which is why we have a scholarship program for startup founders to attend the summit. More than just attending the summit, we will be invested in their journey. Our goal is to help entrepreneurs who are serious and committed to building high-growth businesses. The High Growth Africa Summit is one of the many ways in which we seek to achieve that.”


To get a scholarship to attend the summit, kindly apply here and we will get in touch with you. Visit the High Growth Africa Summit website to find out more. For further enquiries, on the Summit, contact Starta by email: osose@thestarta.com or sean@ingressive.com


About Starta

Starta is a business support platform for startup founders and SME entrepreneurs in Africa. Launched in the Q1 of 2016, Starta is committed to making growth easier and more attainable for African founders. They accomplish this by providing resources, training and opportunities, and connecting them with valuable networks of investors, mentors, partners, and potential customers.  Starta was founded on the belief that billion dollar companies can and will emerge out of Africa soon, and they are committed to contributing their quota to make it happen. For more details and enquiries about their services, visit thestarta.com and sign up for their newsletter, or email them directly at hello@thestarta.com


About Ingressive

Ingressive is an investment group that drives capital and advisory into West Africa. In addition to investments, Ingressive hosts venture capital tourism, where top firms from around the world get a crash course on Sub-Saharan tech ecosystem. For more details and enquiries, visit ingressive.co and sign up for the newsletter to keep updated on future events with Silicon Valley in Sub-Saharan Africa. Or contact the founder Maya Horgan-Famodu, directly by mail: maya@ingressive.co

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