Benefits of HarvestPlus Vitamin fortification of foods
To fully appreciate the importance of vitamin fortification of food items by the company called HarvestPlus one has to know what they are and the health implications of their deficiency to the human body. Vitamins are micro-nutrients (available in small amounts) but needed to contribute to the general well-being of the body. Most are found in both plants and animals and if consumed regularly could boost good vision, development of strong bones and teeth. They enhance the functions of blood and nerve cells, prevent loss of appetite and release energy from foods. They also complement the works of essential minerals.
Yet, according to the World Bank, annually Nigeria loses over 1.5 US Dollars in Gross Domestic Product, GDP to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Though they have their biological names as usually given in alphabets such as A, B, C, D, E and K those soluble in fat are A, D, E and K. So important is the issue of vitamins, and in related way, micro-nutrients such as iron and iodine that the World Health Organization (WHO) has for long established laudable initiatives to promote them, amongst all nations and their people. Though there are tablets and capsules of some vitamins available in chemist shops, it is advisable to get them from natural food sources.
For instance, Vitamin A is present in fish and cod liver oil, liver and milk, carrots, red palm oil, sweet potatoes, green pepper. Beta-carotene as it is called is necessary for good vision and functioning of the immune system. It reduces the risk of heart disease. It is essential for a healthy skin as anti-oxidant converted to Vitamin A.
According to WHO, lack of it may lead to blindness and even death. Unfortunately, 30 per cent of under-5 Nigerian children lack Vitamin A.
On its part, Vitamin B1 which is present in yeast, liver, fish and milk is needed for the proper functioning of the heart. It releases energy from carbohydrates. Vitamin B2 also present in yeast, fish, liver, milk is necessary for the development of healthy skin and building/maintaining body tissues. Vitamin B6, present in red pepper, orange, grape, lime is important for the development of healthy teeth and formation of red blood cells (rbc).
As for Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) present in citrus fruits such as oranges, grapes, tangerine and pepper is water-soluble. It is not stored in the body but it is important for the building of cells and repair of damaged ones in wounds. It should be taken every day. Vitamin D (Calciferol) is naturally obtained by exposure to sunlight. Food sources are fish liver (cod), milk, butter and eggs. It functions are for development of strong bones and teeth because it facilitates the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Absence causes weakly developed bones, a disease called rickets. Niacin is present in bread, egg, liver and milk. It is needed for converting food into energy. It also assists the functions of nervous system and prevents loss of appetite.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is present more in plants than in animals especially found in the skin cover of maize, millet, sorghum and vegetable oil. Others include nuts, soya beans, eggs, fortified cereals, fruits. Cooking and storing could reduce the amount. As an anti-oxidant, it protects cells against aging. It protects the body cells against cancer. It improves fertility of both men and women, in their sperm cells and formation of ovaries. It also prevents abortion and improves the function of the nervous system.
Vitamin K is found useful in intestinal bacteria but high dose and prolonged use of antibiotics destroys it. As a fat-soluble vitamin, it acts in the liver leading to the formation of proteins needed for the coagulation of blood. It prevents bleeding (haemorrhaging). Health benefits: A diet rich in vitamins A and C is the best for keeping your liver healthy.
Note that vitamin supplements do not provide the same health benefits as real, fresh fruits and vegetables because of the fibre component.
What HarvestPlus does is noble because it improves nutrition and public health, especially in Nigeria by promoting cassava, maize and orange sweet potato that provides more vitamin A in the diet. It works with over 60 partners drawn from government, business, and civil society.
It boosts better crops for better nutrition by using a process called bio- fortification. This is done to conventionally breed staple food crops that are richer in essential vitamins and minerals and can be grown by rural communities that often missed by other interventions, such as supplementation and food fortification.
Its food-based approach relies on familiar staple foods that people already eat regularly and that can be part of other efforts to improve nutrition, such as dietary diversification. Notably, HarvestPlus Vitamin A cassava provides up to 40 per cent of daily needs, while assisting farmers to have higher yields that are resistant to virus.
Similarly, Vitamin A Maize provides up to 25 percent daily need and high yielding, disease-resistant, drought tolerant varieties. And as for Orange sweet potato, HavestPlus type provides up to 100 percent Vitamin A daily needs that are high yielding, disease-resistant and also drought-tolerant.
HarvestPlus and its partners work in 26 states of Nigeria to promote availability, adoption and consumption of Vitamin A-fortified cassava, maize and orange sweet potato. The goal is to make it possible for 100 million Nigerians to be consuming these bio-fortified crops by 2030
As part of its partnership goals HP supports the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI) to breed, test and release Vitamin A cassava developed through its partnership with IITA. Notably HP works with both public and private sector partners to multiply and distribute bio-fortified crops to farmers.
Its network of extension agents and rural facilitators receive training in best agronomic practices. This they pass along to farmers at the household level. Going further, it has deployed its creative public awareness campaigns to leverage on the power of the media as well asNollywood to educate Nigerians on the tremendous nutritional benefits of food fortification with micro-nutrients.
We urge HarvestPlus to keep up the good work so that it eventually covers all the states of the federation and the people maximize its benefits. Kudos!