We are beginning to see signs of Akwa Ibom industrialisation programme –  Commissioner

Charles Udoh, commissioner for Information and Strategy in Akwa Ibom State, in this interview with ANIEFIOK UDONQUAK, speaks on plans to rebrand the state and how the benefits of the state’s industrialisation agenda are being realised. Excerpts:
One of the promises made by this administration is to industrialise the state; so far, do you see that dream come to fruition?
No nation or city ever woke up one morning and became industrialised. Industrialisation is not a one-day affair; it is a process that crystallises over time especially in a country like ours where most of the instruments you need to reach your goals are still controlled by the Federal Government. The good news however, is that we are beginning to see visible signs of the state moving towards realising its industralisation goals. As we speak, the pencil factory has rolled out its first set of pencils and crayons, the toothpick factory has also rolled out its first set of toothpicks; even the paint factory has received a new lease of life. Plans for the coconut refinery are fully in focus with the activation of the two million coconut plantation.
One of the major projects of the present administration is the Ibaka Deep Seaport; but in the presentation of 2017 budget nothing was said about the project, what is your take on it?
Permit me to start by saying the project is The Ibom Deep Seaport Project and not Ibaka Deep Seaport. It is a Federal Government of Nigeria project through the Nigeria Ports Authority in partnership with Akwa Ibom State Government and private investors.  The Ibom Deep Seaport is part of the Federal Ministry of Transportation (FMoT) plans to augment port capacity in Nigeria and a key component of Akwa Ibom’s economic empowerment plans. The project has the full support of the Akwa Ibom State Government, the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Transportation and the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA).   The Ibom Deep Seaport will undergo a phased development and all plans are firmly on track.
Let us return to the Ministry of Information where you are the boss, presently; how do you hope to incorporate government information machinery to be more proactive, and we have two important parastatals under you- The Pioneer and Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC)- both of them are wobbling, how do you hope to strengthen  them?
The issues with these two components of government information machinery are deeply rooted but all hands are on deck to get them functioning properly. Governor Udom Emmanuel has mandated my Ministry to explore all possibilities of injecting a new lease of life into these parastatals and ensure they function as ‘proper business entities’. There is a plan to reorganise the editorial, production and marketing mechanism of the pioneer newspaper. Recall that a few years ago, the pioneer newspaper acquired a full complement of a Goss web printing machine, however it has so far not been put use due to technical and operational reasons. Everything is currently being done to get the machine working. Digitalisation of the AKBC is a front burner issue. Efforts will also be focused on content improvement. But, against the backdrop of the wave of lean economic times sweeping through the country, I must admit that it will take a little bit of time to see visible turn-around signs.
Suddenly we are beginning to witness series of endorsements for the governor to go in for second term from political groups around the state, is it stage-managed, is it a distraction, or is it actually an accolade for a job well done?
If you followed the career trajectory of the governor, you will realise that dotted along his career path are signposts of excellence and quantifiable achievements.  Here is a man who left the comfort of a very well-paying bank job to devote his time to serving his people. If you understand the career and remuneration trajectory in the banking sector you will realise that when you rise to the level of being an assistant general manager, through to deputy general manager, general manager and then executive director of the bank; and not just any bank, but a top tier bank in the premier league of banks in Nigeria, it means that you can live a comfortable life on your earned income.  For the governor  to leave that tranquil and guaranteed career path, to come and serve Akwa Ibom State, it shows that this is a man who passionately wants to serve his people; to change the lot of his people, to contribute to building his homeland, not for personal aggrandisement but because he has that inherent passion to serve. Being the devoted Christian with impeccable track record of honesty and transparency, the word stage-managed does exist in his vocabulary.
The wave of acceptance endorsements currently filing the air waves is a clear reflection of the people’s appreciation of the good works and achievements of the governor since becoming the number one citizen of Akwa Ibom State. I must say that Akwa Ibom State is blessed to have a man like Governor Udom Emmanuel who despite the challenges of the current lean economic times and dwindling resources has continued to run the affairs of the state effectively. It is significant to note that at a time most states are struggling to pay salaries of civil servants and pensions; including states that benefited from the largesse of Federal Government bailout funds. Civil servants in Akwa Ibom state continue to receive their remunerations promptly. Last December, civil servants in the state received their salaries and leave allowances before Christmas. If you also consider that Akwa Ibom did not benefit from bailout funds added to the fact that the major source of funds for the state has taken a battering recently, you would realise that it takes a selfless leader and an ingenious government to sustain the momentum. Today, there is no Akwa Ibom child that could say I don’t want to go to school because my parents cannot afford the fees. Basic Education remains free and compulsory for every Akwa Ibom child.
Today, every Akwa Ibom child who qualifies to sit for WAEC Exams has his or her exam fees fully paid for by the state government. Indigent parents no longer have to sell their landed properties and other belongings to raise funds to pay their children WAEC fees. The state spends over N600 million annually on WAEC fees for indigenes.
Let me also add that the state government also provides free health services for pregnant women, children between age 0-5 and the aged in general hospitals. It takes an ingenuous leader to do that with very lean resources. The endorsements are clearly in recognition of the achievements of Governor Udom Emmanuel. It is only fair that you appreciate someone who has done so well.
Could that be the reason the National Secretary of PDP visited the governor to give him some kudos?
Governor Udom Emmanuel clearly deserves all the accolades he is getting from within and outside the state as evident on his scorecard.
Agriculture has been the bedrock of many economies; what actually does this administration want to achieve in agriculture? 
Agriculture like industrialisation requires a turnaround period; a period where you sow before you reap, so it’s almost impossible to plant a coconut tree today and expect to reap it’s fruits tomorrow. The governor is fully committed to delivering on his promise of rapid agriculture revolution driven by the public-private initiatives.
With huge investments in this sector, the state will soon be the food basket of the nation. So far, 450 youths have been trained on special cocoa-based management practices. The state has distributed free fertilizers, oil palm and cocoa seedlings to farmers as part of its agriculture revolution drive. Over 450 hectares of land is being cultivated in 15 local government areas under the Cassava production intervention project. Let me also say that the state recently participated in Central Bank of Nigeria Rice Anchor Borrower’s Schemes, with over 4,000 registered rice farmers. The two million coconut plantain will soon be a major source of revenue and employment. In a further demonstration of government’s commitment to growing the agricultural sector, the governor has inaugurated an 11-man Technical Committee on Agriculture and Food sufficiency with singular goal of driving the agricultural development and food sufficiency strategy of government.
Still on road projects; currently there are major on-going road projects including the Etinan-Uyo road, when will it be completed?
In less than 20 months, the Governor Udom Emmanuel administration has constructed over 250 km roads, 17 bridges and many more are still ongoing.  All road projects are firmly on course, we have suffered a few delays here and there though as a result of demand for compensation payment by communities affected by the road projects.
Youth unemployment has become worrisome across the nation, not peculiar to Akwa Ibom. Many states are engaging them to curb the rate of restiveness. May we know what government is doing to check the rate of unemployment in the state?
As part of government efforts at youth empowerment, the Akwa Ibom Employment and Enterprise Scheme (AKEES) was set up to provide technical and vocational skills acquisition and entrepreneurial training for youths. The scheme has so far trained over 4000 youths in various sectors and skills. This includes training of 1,000 youths in Oracle Technology; sponsorship of 100 youths to acquire skills in agriculture; training of 200 youths in Power Sector; training of 329 youths in Photography and Film Production.  Government is also focused on sports capacity development as evident in the ongoing construction of Sports Academy Complex in 10 federal constituencies of the state. 
Coming from the background of the banking sector what are you bringing differently to the public sector in management of information?
I simply want to promote brand Udom Emmanuel in quantifiable terms and Brand Akwa Ibom as an investors and tourist destination. I want to take government messages to the people of Akwa Ibom State where they live, work and communicate with them in the language they understand and in a tone they can connect with at the right time. Essentially, our guiding principle is the dissemination of quality information; at the right time, to the right audience. I want to look back after my tenure and see functional and well organised government information machinery. Government is focused on touching the lives of the people in the most affordable manner. We will seek creative ways to achieve our objectives despite the economic challenges.
The ministry has been changed from Ministry of Information and Communications to Ministry of Information and Strategy, what is the value of this name change?
The ministry has evolved over time with different nomenclatures. The new name is a reflection of the new thinking of Governor Udom Emmanuel to further oil the engine of state’s drive towards diversification from crude oil earnings as the mainstay of its economy by positioning the state as an investor-friendly and tourism destination. The ministry is expected to add a strategic dimension to information dissemination and management in the state.
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