‘I started my business from home with N70, 000, now its worth over a million’

Peret Israel Danauta is the founder and chief executive officer of Jayteash Seams Limited. She is an entrepreneur with vast experience in the fashion industry.  In this interview with JOSEPHINE OKOJIE, she reveals what inspired her to establish a fashion business and how the enterprise has grown since starting.


Tell me a about yourself and when you started your business.


My name is Peret Israel Danauta and I have a fashion line called Jayteash Seams.  I have bachelors degree in English Language from the University of Jos. I went into the fashion industry immediately after my university education. I started my business in 2012, but I began to sow the seed in 2008.


What inspired you to move into the business?

My love for designs and desire to make people look good inspired me to go into fashion business.  My mum is also a fashion designer. She taught and mentored me before I started my own business. It was my passion for styles and design that led to the establishment of Jayteash Seams Limited in 2012. When I sew cloths for friends, I get a lot of recommendations, and this has made me want to do more. It has also increased patronage for my business.


What challenges have you faced since starting your business?


Poor power supply is the major challenge I face. I need electricity to power my machines and the issue of electricity has been frustrating. I spend a lot on fuel and this has increased my production cost. Also getting skilled workers is very difficult. Despite these, I want to hire more people but getting skillful ones has been difficult.

Another challenge I face is sourcing for funds. I need more funds to expand my business and hire more people since the business is growing.


What was your initial start-up capital?
I started my business with N70, 000. I started with sewing machines and accessories such as needles, threads and zips. I began the business in my house, and now it has grown to about a million naira. My business has grown tremendously since I started and I am planning of expanding soon.


Who are your target clients?

I specialise only in female clothes. So I target female clients, both old and young. The fashion industry is highly populated, so as a fashion designer, you need to distinguish yourself to remain relevant in the industry and to your clients. Your clients need to trust you before they give you their fabrics and money to make their dress.


Have you received any external support from any organisation?

I have not received any external support from any organisation. My family has been very supportive in helping me with finance.

Do you have employees?

Yes I do. I have two employees and several apprentices. Some of my apprentices have graduated but I still have two left.


What is your advice to other entrepreneurs, especially younger ones that want to venture into your kind of business?

Passion! If you want to go into fashion, you must have passion for it to be successful. People are willing to pay more if they are sure you can give them quality jobs. So as an entrepreneur, your work must have quality.

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