‘The exchange rate is directly proportional to how much a company achieves in any digital campaign’ 

Digital marketing strategy is a trend that most companies are embracing to expand their reach, consolidate on new customer relationships as well attract new market segments. In this interview, Ayeni Ekundayo, CEO of Business Plus Services spoke to FRANK ELEANYA on why companies are not maximising the potential of digital marketing and how his company is providing solutions to companies that are reluctant to leverage the strategy.
Tell us about Business Plus
Business Plus Services is a digital communication agency that focuses on growing, expanding and consolidating businesses and brands. We deploy digital marketing strategy and tools, while leveraging on the big idea to give you desired result. And please take note of the keyword used here, “growth, expansion and consolidation” This simply means that Business Plus Services is the partner you need whether you are a small start-up hoping to find your voice in the market, or you have been in business but believes you can be better than what you currently are, because truly there is always room for growth and development. And the last on the ladder is big and established businesses and institutions; we know what you need to turn that organisation to a legacy for the next generation.
What aspect of social media do you find most appropriate for businesses and why?
I think the fact that it is measurable, scalable and you can do practically anything using digital marketing is the coolest thing about it. When it comes to digital marketing, there is no stories, what you see is what you get. There is real time feedback on all activities on the digital space. I think that aspect is key for any business.
How can a business manage exposure on social network?
I think it starts from the product or service you are offering. When you are truly genuine- meaning what you promise your customers matches their real experience of your product or service, then you do not have to worry about any exposure whatsoever, and if issues arise, my take is to be prompt at responding to them. This is very critical. With this, you can easily manage and turn any risk of any negative business exposure on social media to your advantage.
What strategies do you use to encourage businesses to make best use of social media?
Very simple, as long as businesses are willing to go that route, and that is becoming digitally inclined, and not necessarily 100%, but to an extent where at least you can have an in-house person to respond to customers in real time, not always waiting for your agency managing your digital marketing. So you need to train your staff at least on the relevance of digital marketing that fits their area of specialisation in your organisation. With that, you can make the best use of Social media.
In your interaction with businesses, what are the challenges you have noticed in their use of social network?
That’s a good question; I think it’s very similar to the question you asked earlier. And the simple answer is many business as with every other thing, even though it’s no longer new, are still not sure of what digital marketing can do for them, they are still in doubt and fear, and so they refuse to fully launch out and embrace it in all aspect, this tends to hinder growth, and most times frustrate agencies. Most organisation just go on social network, because others are there, without clearly carrying out research on their customers so they can be where they are on the social network and as well speak their language which is very important.
In fact, most agency end up being micro-managed by their client because these big organisations are scared to embrace the big ideas proposed by agencies and at the end, nobody wins. This is very critical I must say, However, at Business plus we have evolved a new approach to this, so that we do not just work for you, but work with you, making sure that you are well on boarded on the processes, so at no point will you ever be in the dark as regards progress made.
Tell us some of your challenges doing business in Nigeria?
Well, I guess most of the challenges are what every average entrepreneur in Nigeria is faced with. Issues like power, tax, structures, policies and operating systems of private sector among other factors will continue top the chart, when issues like these are being discussed.
On the whole, the key issue with doing business in Nigeria is the lack of an enabling environment; this is very critical to any business, especially for start-ups. Nigerians are hardworking; they are not waiting to be spoon-fed; they just need an enabling environment, that is all.
How has the economic situation impacted the service you render to clients?
Of course the economy has impacted a lot in our line of business, because as a digital marketer one key model is the direct influence of the exchange rate. In fact, the exchange rate affects 90% of our operational cost.
This has impacted our service to our client because of the nature of digital, every dollar spent is accounted for and you can see how much reach, engagement or conversion that is achievable with every dollar spent. In other words, the exchange rate is directly proportional to how much can be achieve in any digital campaign, because campaign spends are in dollars which has measurable and specific deliverable attached to any amount. For example, you can project a 100 dollars to give your client 50k impression, but once there is a major fluctuation in the exchange rate, it immediately and automatically affect your campaign deliverable.
What are the milestones you have recorded in BusinessPlus?
That is a very good question, but quite a task to answer, reasons been that we have recorded a lot of milestones to be honest with you, such that we don’t know where to start from when asked questions like this. However, I will try and point out one of the many areas that we have remained prominent. For example, in email marketing where we have continued to lead confidently, it has been researched to be most optimized when it comes to getting desired result from target audience.
Our email marketing service has transformed the fortunes of most start-ups we have worked with, turning them to overnight success. It has caused exponential increase for many other already established organisations across various industries. I cannot begin to name, but the testimonies are out there on the lips of our clients.
How do you ensure your staff stay motivated for efficiency and effectiveness?
I think what every business owners should understand about staffing before the issue of motivation is at the point of hiring. You cannot afford to hire someone that is working for the sake of the pay alone.
There is no way you can get the best of that person or motivate such a person. You need to hire people who have a personal fulfilment from working in your organisation, beyond the pay. This is very essential in any endeavour. There is a natural motivation that comes with doing what you love.
Other aspect of motivation stems from the culture you operate in your organisation. For agencies like us where creativity is key, we encourage a playful but disciplined environment. Rewards for individual performance are also a great motivation for staff members.
What is your expectation for 2016 as a business?
2016 is a very unique year for business, due to the economy; this is because there is a great shift in the system. I see technology taking over spaces, and creating new ones. I see a change in approach for most businesses. But what is very crucial is the positioning and disposition of any business, and that is what will determine the overall expectations of any business. How much timely capacity you build on a daily basis will determine the competence you bring to the market place per time.
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