How to reduce stress, stay focused and stand out after surviving layoffs

Employees who have had to watch their colleagues and friends being laid off, and those who fear they may be next, are looking for help as their world changes, as is the case in corporate Nigeria right now.

Matt Steinkamp, Vice President of the employment assistance program services at Midwest EAP Solutions in St. Cloud, has found that the people left behind after layoffs typically experience the following four emotions that must be dealt with in order to move on: the situation isn’t fair, anger at their company, guilt, and fear that they will be next.

I advise our clients to understand that, while layoffs are sometimes unavoidable, people need help in dealing with these emotions so they can achieve peace of mind in their jobs, contribute to the organization, and hope for the future. Here are some tips for reducing stress, staying focused, and standing out after surviving layoffs.

Ten Tips to Reduce Stress and Stay Positive after Surviving Layoffs

.Talk, talk, talk. Don’t allow your emotions to fester. Instead, tell your story to a trusted friend, colleague, or your company’s employee assistance program.

. Keep a journal. Writing down thoughts, feelings, and worries allows people to process and resolve inner turmoil.

. Return to exercise, hobbies, and work routines as soon as you can to restore a sense of comfort, safety, and stability.

.Count your blessings and look at the positive side of things. Organize a buddy support system that you can tap into when feelings of discouragement set in.

.Stay healthy by eating right, exercising, staying hydrated, laughing, listening to your favorite music, pampering yourself, and getting enough sleep.

.Call upon your strengths. Take an asset/strength inventory and record the qualities or strategies that have helped you through times of stress in the past.

.Socialise with positive people and avoid the rumor mill. Do your part to keep morale up for those remaining employees. Consider forming an employee morale committee responsible for organizing events, potluck lunches, treat day, etc.

.Cooperate with the inevitable – don’t worry about the past; instead, focus on the future. Take a proactive approach to your future. Polish up your resume and take actions that will make you feel in control.

.Remember that the layoffs are not your fault and your feelings are normal and legitimate. Be patient with the time it takes to get through the loss and the grieving process and don’t be discouraged by setbacks.

.Reach out to those laid off, write emails or letters of recommendations, and ask how you can be a resource to them. Help them connect and network through online social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.


Patrick E. Nwakogo

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