Line leader, behold thy contract (2)

We continue from last week’s line leader contract as a reality check for all leaders across organisations. You’re a line leader if you have at least one person reporting to you or you’re one who runs a multinational conglomerate quoted on multiple stock exchanges across the world.

Most employee contracts have several standard elements which states what’s expected of each party and what each gets in return for satisfactorily meeting agreed terms and conditions.

Now imagine the scenario where as employees in the workplace, one had total control over crafting a contract for the Line leader alias boss, manager or CEO- what would you be in your contract?

Vision: The vision of the organisation is usually clear but how it connects to our departmental vision is sometimes blurry. Would appreciate clarity from you as the line leader on how the dots connect and what your vision is to propel our unit/group/department/team. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Integrity: We all strive and hope to work with one who stands for and has integrity. The power of this word and what it translates to in every way work today is entirely different from its intended meaning. However, knowing that you stand for integrity really speaks to how work gets done.

Deductions: All standard statutory deductions are factored in and deducted from payroll services so no other deductions from my salary are required to directly pledge my allegiance to my line leader.

Career development: You play a key role in my career development as much as I do. Actively encouraging this career development by providing clear direction, being accessible to guide and coach has many benefits including improved productivity and performance. Please prioritise my career development.

Inspiration: The power of inspirational leadership is not overrated. We don’t have enough inspirational leaders around and would really appreciate a mantra from my line leader being “do as I say & do as I do”. Your perspectives and values matter especially when you don’t always agree with your boss. This gives us the belief that we don’t always have to align with your views and provides a healthy workplace.

Culture is to an organisation what personality is to an individual. The culture of the organisation is formed by your day to day actions so be guided by what you do even when you’re feeling disengaged as this impacts the team.

Succession Planning is not a slight on your person but a sure sign of a confident and effective leader. Transfer of learning trumps knowledge hoarding any day. It empowers, builds trust, inspires and provides a platform for you to move up and grow in your own career. “Give and it shall be given unto you”. Having successors is a plus on the effectiveness of your leadership.

Engagement: It is the organisations responsibility to provide us with an enabling work environment but the line leaders’ responsibility to keep us engaged so your efforts in building an engaging team cannot be over emphasised. “People leave bosses not organisations” has been proven by research.

Make good your call to leadership food for thought.

Ngozi Adebiyi

Ngozi Adebiyi is the lead consultant at OutsideIn HR. Our focus is practical interventions that address the challenges of businesses today. We specialise in HR Business Partnering, Engagement & Retention with the goal of “Revolutionising HR in Nigeria”.

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