Researcher wants FG to implement local content policy in oil, gas sector

A researcher, Dr Ajao Rahim has urged the Federal Government to ensure total implementation of the local content policy in the oil and gas sector.

Rahim, a business administration expert and researcher attached to the University of Lagos, gave the advice in an interview on Wednesday in Lagos.

He said that Nigerians should fully be engaged in catering, security and other peripheral services of the oil and gas sector in the country in fulfillment of our local content policy.

“Nigerians should dominate the managerial and technical specializations in areas they have the capacity, skill and competence,’’ he said.

Rahim also said that the use of Made-in-Nigeria products should be enforced judiciously by the multinationals to further the pervasiveness of our local content policy.

He said those who applauded the performance of marginal services by Nigerians in the oil and gas industry were patronizing the nation’s local content policy, adding that such thinking was condescending.

“This sector of our economy is still largely dominated by expatriate ideas, equipment and materials.

“My research shows that Nigeria has the indigenous skill and manpower to make the sector compete favorably with other climes, even in advanced societies.

“Besides, Nigerian-based companies that produce blots, wires, iron and other necessary materials required for oil and gas exploration are still being short-changed in terms of patronage by localized oil companies.

“Whereas, the local content policy envisages that home-grown products, ideas, skill and competences should have a prime place in terms of patronage, consideration and preference in the business,’’ he said.

Rahim urged the Federal Government to strengthen its inspectorate function to ensure that oil and gas companies in Nigeria abide by the provisions of the local content policy in all ramifications.

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