NBA Discussion Series 4 on Company Compliance 

On the heels of the existing partnership between the Section On Business Law (SBL) and the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is once again collaborating with the commission for the NBA Discussion Series.

The discussion series already in its fourth leg (#NBADiscussionSeries4) took place last week at the CAC training facility in Abuja. It was a compliance workshop on Companies Regulations 2012 with the theme ‘Obtaining effective and efficient services from the Corporate Affairs Commission’.
The NBA Discussion Series, launched in October 2016 is a weekly platform for empowering lawyers, professional development and showcasing the vast knowledge pool available in the legal profession for Nation Building.
#NBADiscussionSeries1 was on the topic, ‘Innovations in Real Estate Finance and Development’ and was held in partnership with the Lawquest Foundation in October 2016.
Series 2, Understanding the Public Procurement Act was in conjuction with Public Private Partnership and OSIWA and held in October 2016. Series 3, ‘Understanding the Fiscal Responsibility Act’ in partnership with the Center for Social Justice CENSOJ and OSIWA took place in November 2016.

Series 4 which took place on November 17th, closed with an award to the Registrar General of the Commission, Mahmud Bello. The prestigious Innovative Service Award was given to the Registrar for the giant strides and quality service delivery focus of the Commission.

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