Reflections on the Legality or Otherwise of the Minister of Labour’s Directive to Banks and Telecom companies on Staff Retrenchment

The recent threat by the Honourable Minister of Labour, Dr. Chris Ngige, to revoke the operating licences of any bank or telecommunication company that retrenches staff has generated heated reactions in the Nigerian business community and among various stakeholders including the Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA). The Honourable Minister had, very recently, issued a directive to the Nigerian banks and telecommunication companies to halt, with immediate effect, the  retrenchment of their workers.

The Minister made this threat of revocation of operating licences of these companies during the recently concluded International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, an annual conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The Minister’s directive and the threat of revocation of operating licences was a reaction to the ongoing mass retrenchment of workers by the Nigerian banks and telecommunication  companies largely due to declining business fortunes. A number of Nigerian banks had recently disengaged staff running into a total of almost 2000. The Minister also reportedly stated that in the event of any retrenchment, the companies should apply the redundancy provisions of the Nigerian Labour Act and make redundancy payments to the affected staff.

This write-up examines some critical legal issues raised by the Minister’s directive and the subsequent threat of revocation of operating licences, especially the legality or otherwise of the directive.

Nature and Basis of Contract of Employment

A contract of employment may be defined as any agreement, whether oral or written, express or implied whereby one person agrees to employ another as a worker and that other agrees to serve the employer as a worker. See Section 91(1) of the Labour Act. This relationship, in legal parlance, is commonly referred to as master-servant relationship or in modern times, as employer-employee relationship. The contract of employment which is the plank of employer-employee relationship is a product of industrial revolution and the laissez-faire principle is its principal justification. The laissez-faire doctrine rests on two legs, the freedom of the contracting parties and the sanctity of contracts. The basis of employer-employee relationship is the contract of employment and ordinary incidents of that relationship. A major feature of this relationship is the general right and freedom of entry and exit, a freedom that the courts hardly interfere with. Courts, worldwide, therefore, generally do not impose willing employees on unwilling employers and vice versa. His lordship,  Hon. Justice Opene JCA (As he then was) puts this age long principle very succinctly when he held in Odinkenmere v Imprest Bakolori (Nig) Ltd (1995) 8 NWLR Pt. 411 P. 52 thus, “it is settled law that an employee cannot compel the employer to retain him no matter how desirable that may be on humanitarian or other grounds.  In as much the same way an employer cannot compel an employee to remain in his service no matter how indispensable his services may be to his employer”. The only major exemption to this rule is employment with statutory flavours where employees may be reinstated, in appropriate cases, against the will of his employer. It is indeed this freedom of entry and exit that distinguishes employment from servitude.

The Prerogative of the Employer to Terminate Contract of Employment

A contract of employment is not expected to continue forever as same may be determined or brought to an end by various ways including termination, resignation, dismissal, effluxion of time ( in case of contracts for a fixed term) retirement, dismissal, redundancy and by frustration (e.g winding up, War e.t.c). Every employer of labour retains the power to terminate employees’ contract of employment ( the same way employees may resign) provided he complies with the terms of the contract of employment and this prerogative may be exercised by the employer at any time including few months to retirement. See the Supreme Court decision in Ibama v Shell Petroleum (2005) 10 S.C 62, Abologun v Shell Petroleum (2003) 13 NWLR (Pt. 837) 308.

This employers’ prerogative is commonly but loosely referred to as the “power to hire and fire” (though no longer a fashionable expression in modern labour and employment law circles) And as stated earlier, the only major exception to this trite principle of labour and employment law is employment spiced with statutory flavour.  A contract of employment is said to have a statutory flavour where the terms and conditions of same including mode of appointment and removal, is prescribed or defined in a statute or regulations made thereunder. Contract of employments with statutory flavour are generally employments in the public and civil service. See Federal Civil Service Commission v Laoye (1989) 2 NWLR (Pt. 106) 652 and a host of other authorities. Public and civil servants generally enjoy security of tenure and any purported termination of employment that is not in accordance with the enabling statutes is unlawful and null and void and such employees is entitled to  be reinstated with accrued rights and benefits. See Shitta-Bay v Federal Civil Service Commission (1981) 12 NSCC 28, Federal Medical Centre v Olayide (2011) FWLR (Pt. 593) 1944, Bamgboye v University of Ilorin (1999) 10 NWLR (Pt. 622) 290 and a host of authorities too numerous to mention.

Thus, public and civil servants (unlike employees in the private sector) therefore, enjoy some form of security of tenure in employment. The Court of Appeal emphasised this point in Takin Achu v Civil Service Commission (Cross River) (2009) 3 NWLR (Pt. 1129) 475 where it held inter alia that security of tenure is one of the major hallmarks and attractions of the civil service.

The Legality of the Minister of Labour’s Directive

We have briefly examined the nature and basis of a contract of employment including the prerogative of the employer to terminate employee’s contract of employment subject to the terms of the contract only. It is against this legal background that the legality and validity or otherwise of the Honourable Minister’s directive will be examined.

The Minister’s directive against staff retrenchment was directed against banks and telecommunication companies. These are private sector companies managed and sustained by some business parameters including sound manpower planning. It is the prerogative of every employer or business entity to determine the optimal staff level it requires to sustain its operations and this he can adjust either upward or downward from time to time as the occasion demands. This is a prerogative of a private sector employer of labour and this prerogative cannot be validly fettered by a ministerial directive. Not even a Court of law will restrain an employer from terminating an employee except in cases of public sector employment spiced with statutory flavour and neither is it the practice of Courts to impose willing employees on unwilling employers. Thus, while the Honourable Minister may possibly issue such directives against public sector agencies and parastatals including  the Federal Civil Service Commission, he certainly lacks the vires to issue such directives to private sector employers let alone invoke sanctions against  them. Even in the public sector where employments enjoy statutory flavour, the Public Service Rules recognise some circumstances where public or civil servants may be relieved of their employment before the date of their normal full retirement. Section 8 Rule 020806 (1) of the Public Service Rules 2006 for instance, provides that a public officer may be relieved of his employment in the event of abolition of office, re-organisation of the office or redundancy and this provision has been invoked severally by the Federal Government of Nigeria.  See Psychiatric Hospitals Management Board v Ejitagha (2000) 11 NWLR (Pt. 677) 154.

Staff Retrenchment and Redundancy Law in Nigeria

The Honourable Minister of Labour also mentioned that even in the event of staff release, the affected companies should make redundancy payment to the retrenched staff and he cited Section 20 of the Nigerian Labour Act in support. Redundancy is one of the most confused concepts in Nigerian labour and employment law. This is due to a combination of many factors including frequent non legal usage of the term. Generally speaking, redundancy arises when the employer declares and discharges surplus labour. Section 20(3) of the Labour Act defines redundancy as an involuntary and permanent loss of employment caused by excess manpower. Thus, it is not every case of retrenchment or layoffs that qualifies as redundancy in law for the purpose of redundancy pay. This important point is often lost on the employees and their trade unions who are very quick to insist on redundancy payment in every case of staff layoff. To claim redundancy pay, it must be shown that the layoff is involuntary, permanent and caused by excess manpower.

Although the Honourable Minister rightly cited Section 20 of the Labour Act as the basis for redundancy claim by retrenched staff, it also important to reiterate that the Labour Act has a very limited application in Nigeria as the Act only applies to junior staff only. This is because Section 91 of the Act ( which interalia defines a “worker” for the purpose of the application of the Act) specifically provides that the Act has no application to “persons exercising administrative, executive, technical or professional functions…”

The implication of this provision is that the Labour Act does not apply to senior, technical and management staff and as such they cannot invoke the redundancy provisions of the Act. Regrettably, the ongoing layoffs in the banking industry (indeed in every affected industry) affect both junior and senior staff and most mid-level staff will be caught in the “administrative function” category. Our Courts have also consistently held that senior and management staff including persons performing “administrative” functions cannot invoke the redundancy provisions of the Labour Act. Thus, in Evans Bros. (Nig) Ltd v Falaiye (2003) 12 NWLR (Pt. 838) 564 at 588, the Court of Appeal held that the Respondent who was the company’s controller of publications was a senior staff and as such cannot invoke the redundancy provisions of the Labour Act. Similarly in Mbilitrem v Unity Kapital Assurance Plc (2013) 32 N.L.L.R (Pt. 92) 196, the National Industrial Court held that the Plaintiff, a lawyer and the legal manager of the defendant company is not a junior staff and as such cannot invoke Section 20(1) of the Nigerian Labour Act to support his claim for redundancy pay. This does not however mean that a senior, technical or management staff cannot claim redundancy pay, the law is that they cannot do so by relying on the Labour Act as the Act has no application to staff in such cadre. To make redundancy claims against their employers, senior, technical and management staff may only rely on relevant provisions in their contracts of employment, company’s Employee Handbook, Collective Bargaining Agreement or established and consistently applied industry practice and custom.

Senior Staff, Collective Bargaining Agreements and Redundancy Pay

The Nigerian banking and telecommunication industries are unionised in Nigeria  and will most likely have provisions on declaration of redundancy and redundancy pay in the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) concluded between the unions and their management. But again, enforceability of CBAs under the Nigerian law has its own constraints. The first is that provisions in the CBA are only enforceable if same have been incorporated into the individual staff contracts of employment. See ACB Plc v Nwodika (1996) 4 NWLR (Pt. 443) 470, Texaco v Kehinde (2001) 6 NWLR (Pt. 708) P. 224 at 239.

The second is that it is only the members of staff who are members of a trade union that can rely or benefit from the provisions of a CBA concluded between a trade union and the employer and this is especially so for senior staff. The law is that every junior staff is deemed to be a member of a trade union except where he/she expressly “opts out” from the membership of same. And because trade union membership is presumed, unless contrary is proved, junior staff apart from relying on the Labour Act, may easily invoke the redundancy provisions of a CBA. But for senior staff, the law is that they are presumed not to be members of a trade union unless they can show by convincing documentary evidence of having “opted in” to a trade union. See NUPENG v MWUN (2015) 61 NLLR (pt. 214) 404. But for management staff, they cannot even rely on any CBA as management staff are precluded from trade union membership in Nigeria.


The Minister of Labour’s directive to the Nigerian banks and telecommunications companies, though well intentioned, is misconceived and invalid as same is ultravires his power as a Minister of Labour. The directive is therefore null and void and of no effect. The subsequent threat to revoke the licences of any erring bank and telecommunication company is certainly illegal as the Minister purports to exercise a power he does not have. The operating licences of the Nigerian banks and telecommunications companies may only be revoked by the CBN and the NCC in accordance with the provisions of their enabling Acts and other relevant legislations. Apart from lacking the power to revoke the operating licences of these companies, the Minister’s threat is also counter productive as revocation of operating licences implies total closure of operations and of course total retrenchment of their staff. The best the Honourable Minister can do in the circumstance is to appeal to these companies whose declining business fortunes is due to a combination of several factors including the harsh operating business environment, increasing cost of doing business occasioned by soaring energy costs, perennial power outage, multiple tax regimes and forex crisis.

Bimbo Atilola

Bimbo Atilola is a legal practitioner and Editor-in-Chief, Labour Law Review

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