Tips for traveling with Kids

Are you excited about the upcoming holidays but dreading flying with kids? You are not alone, flying with children can be a frustrating if you are aren’t properly prepared. Whether you’re traveling for the first time with a new-born or toddler, we have prepared tips for you, an almost dependable guide to flying with kids.

Sort all documentation

Buy your flight tickets early to avoid rushing, you can book cheap flights to your holiday destination through Travelstart Nigeria.  Check into your flight before travel day and (if possible) print your boarding passes and/or have them on your smart devices Take a screenshot in case you have network signal loss.   Put all passports, boarding passes, and any other important documentation into one place that you can access easily.

Get to the airport early

From of all the flight tips here when traveling with children, there is nothing more important than this: arrive really early to the airport.  Travelers are usually advised to arrive two hours before a flight. I think you should arrive three hours before, arriving at the airport very early takes a huge weight off families flying with kids. You are more relaxed at check-in.

Plan ahead

You can’t book a flight from Lagos to Abuja without proper preparations for your child, Here is a packing guide you can follow to make sure you have everything.

.  Go to Bag: Have your go-to bag below the seat in front of you, can get a bit stressful standing up every time to grab something from the overhead compartment.
.  Comfort item: If it’s a pacifier, be sure to bring more than one, in case it get flung down the aisle or on the floor.
Sanitizer, wipes, and diapers.  Having at least one diaper for one hour of travel is highly recommended.

.  Water

.  Low-sugar snacks recommended: Crackers, nuts, cheese balls are good options.

Make friends with cabin crew

Be nice to the cabin crew members, don’t be rude and uncooperative it will go a long way when you start finding it difficult to handle the stress of flying with your children. The air hostesses are usually wonderful at helping parents with their kids and may even be able to give you a break. This is so important when flying with an infant – who doesn’t want a cuddle of a baby?  They will even help you warm your baby’s milk if needed.

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