ADVAN creative awards: Close-up crowned ‘Brand of the Year 2013’

Advertisers Association of Nigeria (ADVAN) is back to rejuvenated marketers excellence yearly awards with Close–up, the foremost toothpaste brand from the stable of Unilever, winning the ‘Brand of the Year 2013’ award.

The criteria under which Close-up competed for the Brand of the Year award is not clear but the brand must have been judged on its impact on consumers, level of performance in the market, market innovation and perhaps, its contribution ratio to financials. Under the category, Loya Milk manufactured by Promasidor and Blue Band came second and third, respectively.

On the digital and social marketing category, Loya Milk was rated as the best. Following the brand is Star Beer and Fanta while under the Campaign of the Year award, Guiness, MTN and Close-up were adjudged first, second and third, respectively.

Snap brand from the stable of Guiness won the award for Marketing Innovation while Maltina came second and Heineken third. Under Consumer Promotion, Maltina was also rated the best with Peak Milk wining second position. MTN won the best award in Corporate Social Responsibility while Etisalat and PZ came second and third, respectively. On the Experiential Marketing Category, Guinness took the first position, Nestle-Milo, second and Star, third place.

Speaking earlier, Kola Oyeyemi, ADVAN president said that the award was designed to acknowledge and reward marketing professionals that have made outstanding contributions to the profession and complement other awards in the marketing communication industry. He further said the award was a celebration of hard work and ingenuity in the marketing profession.

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