Bain’s Whisky master distiller advocates industry standards

Andy Watts, master distiller of Africa’s popular grain whisky, Cape Mountain Whisky, has urged distillers in Africa to continue to adhere strictly to industry standards in order to take their brands to the global market stage

Watts, who said this in a statement issued in Lagos, revealed that part of the success secrets that won his whisky brand at a recent global recognition included his distillery’s commitment to quality production process and utilisation of naturally available local raw materials.

It would be recalled that Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky recently occupied the global centre-stage as the World’s Best Grain Whisky during the annual World Whisky Awards ceremony where Africa’s first single grain whisky, Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky, was voted the World’s Best Grain Whisky at the annual event held in London, recently.

Watts, who was in London to personally receive the award, said the recognition was overwhelming news not only for the brand but for all distillers in Africa, disclosing that the maturation process adopted by his distillery in brewing its whisky was a unique process.

The product is made to undergo a double maturation process, whereby the spirit is placed in oak barrels and matured for a minimum of three years, after which the drink is revatted for additional two years before it is bottled for consumption, he said.

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