Hasbro consolidates most of its global media with OMD

Hasbro is set to consolidate the majority of its global media-buying and -planning business with Omnicom’s OMD and retain WPP’s MediaCom in Latin America, pending contract agreements, the toy company told Ad Age.

The appointment follows what the company called “an extensive review process.” Finalists included Interpublic Group’s Initiative, a team from WPP’s Group M and OMD. Initiative, the incumbent in the US, won the business in 2010 from MediaCom.hasbro-logo

OMD had already supported the business in more than 10 global markets. It’s now adding the North American business, as well as responsibility in new markets in Asia and Europe, according to an executive familiar with the matter.

The Pawtucket, R.I.-based toy company spent $114.4 million on measured media in 2012, according to Kantar Media. Globally that spend is more than $200 million, according to people familiar with the matter.

The move to Omnicom is not consistent with the toy maker’s recent creative shift. Just last month, the company moved its creative business from Omnicom’s Uproar to WPP’s Grey.

For Initiative, the loss is a blow just as it was starting to build some momentum after a couple of tough years. Earlier this year, Initiative won Amazon’s media business and more recently it won SeaWorld’s and Serta’s.

Agencies mentioned either didn’t immediately respond to calls for comment or declined to comment. – Adage

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