How to handle negative reviews

am an online shopping addict! Long before many people chose that path, I had relied on this channel due to the ease and variety it offers. One practice I have consistently adopted is to read reviews of previous buyers on their experiences, especially on product quality. I usually focus on ratings below 4 stars and the narratives they have written. I have found this quite invaluable as it has made my online shopping experience almost seamless.

As often said, customer complaints is a gift which must be appreciated and valued by the receiving brand. I recall sometime ago, I was trying to book hotel accommodation for our family vacation and I went to my usual site to check it out. I had received a good offer from a particular resort and I just wanted to be sure of my choice. I found out that 70% of the reviews were negative and the reviewers were consistent on same issues.  What struck me was that the Hotel Manager only responded to the few positive comments thanking the writers for such great reviews! And deliberately ignoring those that were not “music in his ears”. That was all I needed to take my business elsewhere!

The response provided to such complaints are important not just to those who have written them but more importantly to prospective customers. The first instinct of a business owner on seeing a negative online review may be to immediately defend their business, however, such overtly defensive outburst can be read as hostility which is bad for business.

How do you prepare yourself for the eventuality of a negative review?

1.    It is necessary to track all mention of your brand online to ensure you are on top of every situation when they arise.

2.    A well laid down procedure for handling this should be instituted as responses and reactions should not be arbitrary. A timeframe to respond, who will be responsible are some of the elements of the process.

3.    Set up a guideline to follow in crafting the right response. The following guidelines can be followed:

    Be real and admit your mistakes: Mistakes do happen but should not be taken for granted! Don’t try to cover up or make excuses why things didn’t go well. Apologise with all sincerity.

    Correct inaccuracies: It is possible that reviewers may exaggerate or misrepresent certain things. In that case, provide a clarification to correct any inaccurate points raised.

    Highlight your strength: Be sure to highlight what you do well and what you are known for. Assure them that their experience is not typical, and promise to do better.

    Make your response human: Don’t give a scripted response that sounds generic, make it real.

    Take it offline: One of the best things you can do to let potential customers know you are actually interested in correcting problems is offering an offline solution. Respond privately, or provide details of a customer service manager and a phone number to call. You never know, with proper management they may end up being your advocate.

    Offer a compensation: Can you provide something that will make the experience better? A free sample or a gift coupon for their next purchase.

Look at your negative reviews as an opportunity to learn. It may be an opportunity to make changes that will make the customer experience better.

Bolajoko Bayo-Ajayi

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