Idea behind NITEC confab is promotion of innovative solutions, says Braimah

Managing Director of Neo Media and Marketing, Ehi Braimah, convener of Nigeria International Technology Exhibition & Conference (NITEC), scheduled this week in Lagos has said the  whole idea is to  create a platform for companies to identify and  promote innovative ICT solutions and showcase Nigerian technology ecosystem.

Identifying technology as another area that could be further explored to rescue the economy, Braimah said companies can develop new brand ideas and create opportunities for younger people.

“Our focus is on the young ones, and the idea is for  these technology companies to begin to focus on these young innovators. So this is a forum for them to meet these young people and discuss technology. Some of them are very brilliant and futuristic. Here, innovative ideas would be put on the table and these companies have the opportunity to invest in some of these ideas. That’s why we call the conference the tech trinity”, Braimah said.

To Braimah and his team, the uniqueness of  the maiden edition of NITEC scheduled for 23 and 24 of June 2016 is the fact that the organisers are bringing the private and public sectors together.

“We are bringing together stakeholders in both private and public spaces to rub minds on technology. There’s even a third leg; we are bringing young entrepreneurs. They are the tech innovators; Nigerians who are interested in starting a business that is technologically driven. We believe the future belong to them”.

Braimah said NITEC is a brand his team is trying to build in the Nigerian market especially in the technology space and that it is being positioned as a platform to redefine technology as an enterprise that can impact Nigerian economy.

On other areas this conference would achieve for Nigeria going forward, Braimah said now, “we are moving from job seeking to  creating jobs. Many young men are digital marketing specialists who are trained on their own with digital resources. With their laptop, mobile phone, they don’t need to work for anyone.

They build websites, create contents for clients, and engage with consumers of brands on behalf of their clients; they’ve created a community for consumers online.  So to tell them that power is in their hands to  use technology to reduce unemployment.

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