Marketing doesn’t have a data problem, it has a tech one

Successful multi-channel cross-device marketing is beyond the grasp of many marketers. They wish the opposite were the case of course. With all the data now at their fingertips they could meet consumers on any level – yet they fail to do so, simply because the data underlying their strategies is not integrated.

The possibilities for marketers both knowing and reaching consumers is split wide open. It’s in this vastness though, that the real problem lies.

The increase of accessible data should mean greater audience insights for more creative campaigning. The reality is however, that the data sits in so many different technology silos that marketers remain largely in the dark about who their consumers really are, what they want and how they are connecting with brands.

The possible flaws of disparate data sources are considerable — it leaves information gaps, obstructs customer service delivery and represents missed opportunities. But knowing consumers and the channels that matter to them are more important than ever.

So why is it then, that data can’t come together more easily, and we are still struggling to fulfil the promise of multi-channel cross-device marketing? There are three main reasons:


This technology is used by brands to identify online customers, but it’s prohibitive when it comes to cross-device targeting. With news that Apple has restricted advertising within Safari in their new iPhone launch, manufacturers are looking to minimise the abilities of third-party tracking software, so greater creativity will be required to solve this issue.

Inherited technology

With new marketing professionals, often come change in strategies. Often the technology stack inherited from predecessors cannot scale or adapt to an increasing number of new channels. Without the back-up of useful data, it becomes harder to prove the value of new marketing initiatives to the business, and good opportunities are perceived as risks and abandoned.

Pace of disruption

With the ad-tech market developing fast, emerging software is often acquired and absorbed into large occupants. Despite best change management practices, consolidation brings an element of stiffness to hybrid systems and slows down new marketing initiatives.

In an era where consumers control the conversation with brands, failing to invest the time needed to deliver a first-rate customer experience is inexcusable. Immediacy, consistency and accuracy are the epitome of great campaigning and can only be achieved with a clear view of the data landscape. And with that – the multi-channel cross-device dream may eventually be realised. –Culled from

Agency report

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