Vulcaniser, other winners emerge in Star promo
Laja Bidemi, a 40-year-old vulcaniser at Ikotun, Lagos, has won a home theatre in the Star ongoing promotion, attributing his winning to luck.”Some distributors told me about the promo and I decided to try my luck. Thank God Star has given me my first home theatre,” Bidemi said.
Another winner is a 26-year-old Ben Onugbo, a driver who could not afford accommodation but Star, from the stable of Nigerian Breweries plc, has put a smile on his face as he won N50,000, which he said he would use to secure accommodation.
Thanking Star for his good luck, he said: “I’m very very excited. I really thank Star for what they are doing. I’m going to use it for accommodation. I don’t have accommodation. I’m staying with a friend. My salary is N20,000. But it is not enough for me to get accommodation.”
The Star brand recently held one of its Win & Shine parties for its ongoing national consumer promotion, at the Aso Rock International Bar, Ikotun, Lagos. Numerous consumers went home with fabulous prizes such as carpets, BlackBerry phones, home theatres, TV sets and cash prizes.
A 22-year-old Allo Temitope was already on his way out when he heard his name and ticket number being called. He won N100,000. The 400-level student of guidance and counselling at the University of Uyo promises to use the money to take care of his parents. “I’m giving the money to my parents because all these days they’ve been spending on me,” Allo said. “I didn’t expect to win anything again, especially after winning the rug. But when it came to the final prize, I was at the gate already on my way out. I had already lost hope, till I heard my name and ticket number being called.”
Also, a 40-year-old painter, Seun Dosunmu is happy winning N50, 000, at the promo.