Why choose Brand Performance Programmes
As a brand owner, you’re answering more challenging questions in an increasingly complicated market and often with a tighter research budget. Invariably single studies can no longer answer all your marketing questions; however brand performance programmes are able to address these pressures and harness new opportunities.
Designed to help marketers identify growth opportunities with the speed needed to compete in today’s complex markets, brand performance programmes are the best-in-class suite of in-market measurement solutions designed to diagnose and drive brand performance. These programmeshelp you make informed decisions that lead to stronger brand positioning, more profitable brands and more efficient budget allocation.
Each element of a brand performance programme is optimised to fulfill a specific need, as well as share marketing best learning, knowledge and expertise about how to grow your brands now and in the future. Theprogrammes are based on a consistent, yet flexible, framework that leverages technology to improve speed, delivery and cost without compromising the quality or value of research.
Speaking to a select audience recently in Lagos, Ugo Geri-Robert, MD of Millward Brown in Nigeria, explained how brand performance programmes are, in spirit, totally in tune with the idea that gave birth to tracking 40 years ago. “Action oriented and designed to give timely advice on important investment decisions, brand performance programmes will provide a set of linked solutions, each solutionchosen because it is the best one to answer aspecific question. It harnesses the latestavailable technology to be cost-efficient andtimely. And because the most crucial factors forthe category will be identified early on throughdetailed brand equity work, the questionnairesthat make up the rest of the programme can beshort and tightly focused”. She added that theMeaningfully Different Framework at its core of Millward Brown’s brand performance programmes, and is based on key learnings about how successful brands develop meaning, differentiate themselves and create salience.
Geri-Robert concluded by saying that the market is mobile, and continuous research is needed to stay in touch and relevant, especially in a dynamic market like Nigeria. For more literature and useful introductory guide on this subject connect with me at michael.umogun@miillwardbrown.com
Mike Umogun