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The small business loan process
Let’s face it, for most small businesses, the loan process ranks right up there with root canals, bee stings and…
Experts urge entrepreneurs to acquire risk management…
Following the continual demise of businesses in the small- and medium-scale (SME) category, experts have tasked…
Take advantage of the MSMED Fund
Funding challenges have always been there for micro, small and medium businesses. The new MESMED fund created…
Toyosi Akerele, Rise Networks and social…
Toyosi Akerele is a respected inspirational and mindful young leader who is celebrated for National Leadership in…
Investing in liquefied petroleum gas filling plant
Nigeria is one of the major producers of Crude Petroleum Oil in the World producing on…
Hedge your risks
Every individual or business is averse to risks. But, they certainly do occur. So the rational thing to do is to…
Working without an office
Despite the sluggish global economy, entrepreneurship is increasing. Many new business owners aren’t paying rent…
Family businesses in Africa
Are you currently running a family business or you have taken over the management of one, watch out for those…
Family businesses in Africa
Family businesses control a significant portion of Africa’s economy. While family businesses are quite common…
Deipreye Leghemo: Driving business with vision
It was John Johnson who said “the only way to get ahead in the business world is to live and sell dangerously.…
What kills startups?
We’ve all heard the statistic that half of all startups fail within their first five years. The actual number is…
Japanese agency develops capacity training programme for…
The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has announced its plan to develop a training programme that…