Investing in calcium carbonate crushing plant
One of the best ways of achieving economic development in Nigeria is through the effective utilisation of the country’s abundant natural resources. Calcium carbonate is one of the solid minerals that are heavily deposited in Nigeria and yet to be optimally utilised. There is, therefore, the need for people to be aware of this great investment opportunity.
Investment justification
Calcium carbonate has a lot of applications. It is used in paint, tyre, soap, plastics industries, carpet and building materials such as roofing and ceiling materials. This is to say in essence that there is ready market for the finished product. The market can also be extended outside Nigeria. Local requirement has been estimated to be over 1.3 million metric tons on annual basis.
Raw materials for production are readily available, hence constant production is guaranteed.
Return on investment is high, while it costs about N1500 to procure a ton of raw materials, finished product sells for a minimum of N4000. This is to say in essence that the project is highly profitable.
The technology behind production is simple. In this regard, maintenance of machines can be carried out with ease.
Technical information
Stone crushing involves breaking of the supplied calcium carbonate into pieces. The broken ones are later milled into powder form, from where it is sifted to required sizes, depending on the end user. Implementation procedure involves feasibility studies preparation, acquisition of site and machine, recruitment of appropriate personnel, procurement of raw materials and commercial take-off. Investors can be assisted in any of the above listed procedures on request.
Financial implication
A sum of N8,300,000 will be required to undertake the project components of which the costs are listed below:
Annual turnover of N60 million is achievable with profit margin of 40 percent. Annual profit of a minimum of N24 million is accruable. This is a reasonable profit in the present day Nigeria.
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