Investing in poultry hatchery business

One of the millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is the provision of adequate and qualitative food for all by the year 2010.  Average person must consume 2,191kcal of  carbohydrate and 53.8 grains of crude protein daily.  The present level of consumption by Nigerians on the average is 1,200kcal of carbohydrate and 35.1 grams of crude protein daily.  The crude protein deficit could be met cheaply from animal sources in terms of quality and quantity.  One of the ways of achieving this is through encouragement of investments in the animal husbandry sub-sector of the Nations agriculture.

Currently, number of poultry hatcheries and incubators in the country cannot meet the demand of the poultry farmers.  Establishment of this project will be a welcome relief to poultry farmers.  What obtains at present is that farmers have to book for day old chicks at the existing hatcheries and wait for weeks or months before they can collect.  Most of time, it is by allocation.

One of the greatest problems facing Nigeria today is unemployment.  The causes of unemployment can be attributed to low investment in the productive sector.  Establishment of this project is an addition to the productive sector which on the short and long run will create employment opportunities.  Devil they say, creates jobs for the idle hands, this is the reason while we are having so many social vices in the country today.  This project is out  to reduce social vices in the country.

The market for day old chicks is very guaranteed.  The present operators operate what we call sellers market as they cannot meet the demand of their buyers.

The project is highly profitable and it is also technically feasible as it can be managed by middle level manpower.


The project entails installation of incubators where fertilized eggs are kept for a period of 21 days and they are hatched to day old chicks.  The day old chicks are then sold to poultry farmers.  The fertilized eggs are earlier procured from already established grand parent stock poultry farm.  In essence, an investor will need to establish a grand parent stock farm where fertilized eggs are produced.  The eggs are later transferred to incubators where they will be hatched within 21 days.  Serious minded investors can be assisted in the establishment of the project.

The project can be financed by Agric Bank, Bank of Industry and Commercial banks if supported by a bankable feasibility report.  This can be prepared on request for genuine and serious minded investors. Those who already have grandparent stock farm stand the chances of getting quick finance.


Annual turnover of N35 million has been computed while the profit margin of 40 percent is realizable after all costs including bank charges.  This is no doubt a good investment that can contribute positively to our economy.

Author’s contact:  08023058045,


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