Livestock feeds production
Seventy percent of the cost of producing proteins of animal sources can be attributed to animal feeds. Investment in animal feedstuff preparation will therefore contribute greatly to the development of animal protein supply in the country.
The viability of any project is a function of raw materials availability, market potential and management. Raw materials for animal feeds ingredients are abound in Nigeria. These include among others maize, whole wheat, oyster shells, bone meal, maize, soya cake, groundnut cake, palm kernel cake and a host of others. Market for animal feeds is also limitless. Animal feeds requirement in Nigeria (both low and high) nutritional planes are not less than 4 million metric tons on annual basis. Not only this, animals feedstuff can be exported for a good price. In this regard, anything that is produced is automatically consumed. The requirement in terms of manpower is not demanding. This is because the production process involved in the preparation of feedstuff is very simple. The project can easily be managed by middle level manpower.
The profitability of the project is not in doubt, substantial returns on investment are guaranteed.
In view of the above, this project is strongly recommended to serious minded investors who are desirous of capitalising on viable investment opening and at the same time contributing positively to Nigeria’s economic development by creating real investments, job opportunities and more food to feed Nigerians.
Technical information
The feeds ingredients in mind are bone meal, oyster shells, soya cake and cassava meals, maize, wheat offal’s groundnut cake, etc. Their preparation involves installation of feed mill equipment and the materials are subsequently processed to be sold to livestock farmers. Such as poultry farmers, piggery farmers, cattle farmers, fish farmers, sheep and goat farmers.
To establish the project, the first step is the preparation of comprehensive feasibility report showing technical, financial and market details of the project. It is also a guide in the course of project implementation. This is followed by procurement of appropriate site and machines. On installation of machines, appropriate personnel are recruited. This is followed by procurement of raw materials for onward processing. Serious minded investors can be guided accordingly to successfully establish the project..
The plant has the capacity of producing 10 tons per day, but at an achievable capacity of 6 tons working 200 days a year will give us total tonnage of 1200 tons per annum. Minimum net profit of N10,000 per ton has been calculated.
This will give us a minimum income of N12 million per annum per unit of plant. This is no doubt a legitimate source of livelihood for Nigerians.