‘Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision’

Anike Lawal is the founder and editor of Mamalette. She is an entrepreneur with a vast experience in maternal health. In this interview with JOSEPHINE OKOJIE, she reveals what inspired her to establish her online business which is focused on mothers and mothers-to-be.

When did you start your business?

launched Mamalette on the 1st of November 2013. The company is a year and 9months old now.

What inspired you to move into the business?

Every day thousands of women across Nigeria (Africa) become pregnant for the first time. And no one adequately prepares them for the journey ahead. It is imperative that we seize every opportunity to reach out to mothers and mothers-to-be at a time like this where the statistics show that this is the most dangerous period in the life of a woman in Nigeria (Africa). Mamalette exists to help women make informed and live-saving decisions. We also act as a support, guide and friend for mothers and mothers-to-be during their first few years as parents.

What was your initial start-up capital?

I started with about a million naira.

Who are your target clients?

Our audience is young mothers and mothers-to-be.

Have you received any financial support from any organisation?

I have received financial support from Co creation Hub (Cc Hub). Cc Hub invests in tech ideas that can bring about a better Nigeria and since my business is tech based I was able to get their support. 

Tell me a little about yourself, that is, your educational qualification and work experience if any?

I studied Business Studies and French at Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland. I also obtained an MSc in law and accounting at the London School of Economics in England. I have also worked at KPMG Nigeria and Dealdey.

How would you say the business has grown since starting?

Mamalette reaches over 40,000 mothers monthly through our website and forum.

Till date over 69,500 mothers and mothers-to-be have liked our page on Facebook and through this platform we are able to reach over 170,000 mothers weekly. Since inception over 390 thousand people have visited our website with over 2.5 million pages on our website being read.

Do you have employees? (full time or part time)

Yes I do.  I have two full-time and a part-time employee.

What are the challenges you have faced since starting your business?

Being a start-up founder is one of the hardest things one can embark on. No one tells you how lonely, isolating and emotionally difficult the journey can be. Despite all the challenges I face and I have faced, I am still doing this because I believe in this vision and I know that with enough persistence this business will go from strength to strength. I am not giving up on this dream.

What is your advice to other entrepreneurs, especially the young ones that want to venture into your kind of business?

Find something you love doing and you are passionate about. Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision.

Also surround yourself with people who are more talented than you are. You cannot do a business like this on your own.

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